Knowing that God is all and able to provide all that I need, I decided to pursue my long hiatus career of my profession. I was not willing and not interested to attend reviews and take board exam to have the title.Last month when I learned of the new passers, It suddenly sink in me that my purpose and my study is not yet fulfilled because I avoided those opportunities. I made myself believe that it was not for me, It was not my first love. Being an accountancy graduate is not my first choice, but when I realized that if it was not meant for me, how come I graduate in that course and it has been my source of living for many years now.

So I prayed and ask God to help me and guide me, if this is really His will let it be done to me. Though I am having a doubt I will chose to believe that God is faithful to those who believes in him and is also faithful to Him. Worried that I might not make to to this enrollment as my finance status would suffer, and the enrollment is coming soon, and there would be no more available slots, somehow there is something inside me that is telling me not to worry. Until last week our 13th month pay was released it was a right timing, a great relief for me. Thank God, my plan to enroll was granted. God is good I know, He has the right timing for everything. 

1 comment:

Michael said...


Thy will be done. Goodluck on your plans yen.