I assumed almost everybody had their episodes in life were burdened by tasks and responsibilities that they can no longer breath. This is a common scenario in business world which often times leads to breakdown. Finding themselves in extreme pressures that could make them go crazy. Of course we wanted to give the best presentation at work,best performance,excellent output. But sometimes we are so consumed by our fear. Fear of rejection that  people under authority might not like our work even if  we know  that we have given our best to that project. We pressured ourselves in one particular thing in order for us to strive more and do more our best.

Being confident in what we do will help boost our inner talents that we can  unleashed. Doing our best is always a good practice and believing our talents and potential is also a factor. Do your best and and leave the rest. For God, our best is an aroma to him specially if we had  put heart into our works. If we believe that we have do our best the rest will flow and blessings will follow. The secret in becoming successful in everything that we do, is by putting God in the center of our lives. Making him our Counselor and personal adviser in our decision makings.

Do you have your house plans already this coming new year?