As wise men says, count your blessings every time from the smallest one to the biggest and forget all those hindrances that is will hinder you to live a happy and healthy living. A thought : Sometimes we're upset because our loved one's cannot give us  what we are expecting  they will give us. And while we are so busy mending our dissatisfaction , others do not even have one , a loved one who will  look after them. See the irony of life? yet,  even those we called unfortunate people who have found none to love them. Contentment and peace of mind are evident in their ways of living.Why? what's the reason behind?

What's wrong then? are were just that selfish human being who longs all the attention of our loved ones and special ones. Whom we are used of their pampering but suddenly one day , the wind blew and things abruptly change. That person you always expect to take the lead every time for your sake , wants new, wants challenge and exploration that  means sacrificing you. Are you ready for this kind of change in your life, are you willing to let go of that loved ones searching for own self? 


kimmyschemy said...

since it is a universal truth that we don't always get what we want, then, the least we can do is to be grateful for what we have and enjoy it while it lasts..

a visit from neighbor!

Arvin U. de la Peña said...

give and take when it comes to love,hehe..