Is unconditional love really exist? With my experience and observation and opinion with regards to these matter I could say that love really exist but unconditional love still have few proofs yet. For all I know God was only the man I knew who shows that kind of love in the world. Some will not agree to me but anyway all has the right to express their own views and opinions and I am just expressing what I am feeling.When I saw pair exchanging vows in front of the sacred altar for their love to each other I am so inspired to them but after the matrimony and they enter the real life of marriage and end up in misery and break ups, I begun to wonder why?. Have they forgot what they've promised to each other and instead of doing things to fix the issue they end up choosing another partner for a new replacement. And start  searching again until they found that perfect match that will fit in their standards.

Unconditional love was then again taken for granted. Humans are so physically inclined creatures. We tend to overlook the deeper meaning of loving that is why we failed to give our unconditional love to our partners. I wonder if we are just like God enduring and forgiving , then what a wonderful world  we have. to live in .
Despite the fact that we are all sinners and unworthy for love and forgiveness, God loves us still with all the defects we had in our life. So amazing! I cannot fathom God's mercy and Glory.

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