I have a niece whom I have miss to see now  for 2 months; this bubbly and smart little girl never fails to send me text messages and asked me to call her. My brother always tells me that her little princess used to mention my name and asked my brother when I am going to visit her Lola so she can see me. My niece is 5 years old now, and my brother is always boasting that her baby is doing well at school. That's great, and you know what? This niece of mine always says “I am like my Tita, smart “ha-ha, I was so flattered to hear those things from my brother.

The other day, my kuya called and told me that her baby is sick, and they rushed Princess to the nearest hospital. Good God the findings were okay and the doctor only prescribed some vitamins for my niece. Now, she's doing well again. She texted me again tonight and asked me if I could call her. Oh, this little Princess is so sweet. I called her at once and she was so happy on the other line, I could feel her excitement and she was like ready to updates me with her activities in school. I love you Princess.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh! your little princess must be so cute and adorable, the way i read your post i can feel the bond that you and princess shared. How i wish i had a little princess too Yen....But God gave us three little gentlemen, no regrets anyway!